Nicholas is almost 10 months old and he is so much fun! He crawls around very fast, pulls up on eveything and even opens drawers and cupboards and pulls things out. (Don't worry its baby safe stuff) Recently Nicholas has got brave enough to let go of the furniture and stand unassisted. Andrew is the dad that tells his son to "toughen up" whenever he falls or starts to cry over anything. I think Nicholas is tough because of the older kids he plays with everyday. He has to be tough to get what he wants.
We are so happy the snow is melting. We love getting out of the house and going for neighborhood walks. I have plenty of strollers to fit my needs. (I only purchased one, but I have four. A regular one that fit his infant seat and I keep in my car, a double stroller for when I take a daycare kid with us, an umbrella stroller that is in Andrew's car, and a jogging stroller that I do not jog with, just walk, but is really smooth!)
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